Working with PowerShell & Multiple Azure Contexts

When working with multiple Azure subscriptions, the PowerShell Az.* modules allow for easy context switching. This means that you can run commands agains multiple subscriptions, or you can run commands against subscriptions without changing your default context.

An Azure Context object contains information about the Account that was used to sign into Azure, the active (for that context) Azure Subscription, and an auth token cache is not actually empty, it just can't read from here for security reasons, though you can read it with the Get-AzAccessToken command.

Here's what is in an Azure Context object:

PS> Get-AzContext | fl *
Name               : TK-PRD (yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy) -
Account            :
Environment        : AzureCloud
Subscription       : yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy
Tenant             : zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzz
TokenCache         :
VersionProfile     :
ExtendedProperties : {}

If you just wanted to change the context in your terminal, so that future commands all run against that new subscription, you could just use Set-AzContext to change to any Subscription your account has access to.

Set-AzContext -Subscription 'TK-PRD'
Get-AzContext -SubscriptionName 'TK-PRD' | Set-AzContext
But, even better, you can set the context per command via the -DefaultProfile argument or its alias -AzContext. This works with all the Az.* PowerShell modules. For example:
$Subscription = 'TK-DEV'
$AzContext = Get-AzContext -ListAvailable | ?{$_.Subscription.Name -eq "$Subscription"}

Now that $AzContext variable can be used with any Az PowerShell command or function, to force a command to be run within that context.
Get-AzResourceGroup -DefaultProfile $AzContext

Now I can list all the Resource Groups in the TK-PRD subscription, even if my shell has the default context set to the TK-DEV subscription.
PS> Get-AzContext

Name                                     Account          SubscriptionName    Environm
----                                     -------          ----------------    --------
TK-DEV (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx…    tim@tkdev…       TK-DEV              AzureClo

PS> Get-AzContext -DefaultProfile $AzContext

Name                                     Account          SubscriptionName    Environm
----                                     -------          ----------------    --------
Default                                  tim@tkdev…       TK-PRD              AzureClo

PS> Get-AzResourceGroup -DefaultProfile $AzContext -Location eastus

ResourceGroupName : cloud-shell-storage-eastus
Location          : eastus
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              :
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy/resourceGroups

You can work this into a foreach loop if you want to do something in multiple subscriptions.
If I want to find all the Recovery Services Vaults in all my subscriptions:
PS>  foreach ($c in (Get-AzContext -ListAvailable)) {
>>     "searching $($c.Subscription.Name)"
>>     Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault -DefaultProfile $c
>> }
searching TK-DEV

Name              : rsvault-dev
ID                : /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups
Type              : Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults
Location          : useast
ResourceGroupName : dev-rs-rg
SubscriptionId    : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Properties        : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.RecoveryServices.ARSVaultProperties
Identity          :

searching TK-PRD

Name              : rsvault-prd
ID                : /subscriptions/yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy/resourceGroups
Type              : Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults
Location          : useast
ResourceGroupName : prd-rs-rg
SubscriptionId    : yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy
Properties        : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.RecoveryServices.ARSVaultProperties
Identity          :
Another advantage of explicitly setting the context you want to work against in your scripts and functions is that you reduct the risk of accidentally running commands against the wrong Subscription when you forget to change your context.

I actually keep my default context set to a Subscription that I use only for testing proofs of concept, or for when I'm following along on some kind of training or tutorial. Since everything in that sub is considered ephemeral, this helps protect me from accidental changes to production subscriptions, because of the intent required to change the Azure Context to the subscription I mean to work with.

And it is simple to build into scripts and functions:

function Get-SubscriptionAsrVaults {
    $AzContext = Get-AzContext -ListAvailable | ?{$_.Subscription.Name -eq "$Subscription" }
    if(!$AzContext) {
        throw "No Azure Context found for Subscription $Subscription"
    $subvaults = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault -DefaultProfile $AzContext -Ea SilentlyContinue
    return $subvaults
Now I can iterate through all my subscriptions to find those Recovery Services Vaults.

There's an advantage, too when I write scripts to share with other team members, or folks on different teams. I write scripts to automate tasks for the HelpDesk. Requiring the subscription to be specified, then forcing commands to run against the specified subscription. It's not a great protection against human error, but it does increase the risk a little bit.


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